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The BiciZen app made its debut on February 14, 2023, and now, seven and a half months later, we stand amazed at the journey it has undertaken. With a global reach extending to 24 countries, 175 dedicated users have collectively contributed with over 4,250 valuable insights. To mark this remarkable milestone, we’ve prepared a concise report that delves into the richness of the data at hand. This report will commence by shedding light on the timeline of contributions and the various categories of contributions made during these eight months. Furthermore, we’ll delve into the evolution of user engagement over time, examine the geographical distribution of users across continents, and specifically focus on the vibrant user community in Europe. Join us on this journey as we explore the fascinating insights gathered during these past eight months. More info about BiciZen.

It should be taken into consideration that during the period spanning from the initial launch to the end of May, the app was in a limited beta phase, undergoing careful review. Only a limited number of beta users were aware of the app at this stage. The true journey began in June with our public launch and associated campaigns. You can find more details about the launch here.

Contributions: when & what

In this first part, we explore the temporal and categorical aspects of contributions made to the BiciZen platform over the past eight months. The data is presented through two figures, providing insights into the patterns and nature of user engagement. Following the figures, we offer a concise analysis of the findings.

The first figure offers a chronological view of contributions, revealing two significant peaks. The initial peak corresponds to the official launch of the application, while the second surge is attributed to the import of data collected by the City Lab Team. Notably, in the four months leading up to the application launch, the majority of contributions originated from team members. However, a shift occurs in June and July, with user-generated contributions surpassing those from the team.

The second figure provides insights into the types of contributions, highlighting the following categories: bicycle parking spots (75%), obstructions (8%), and conflicts (7%). The preponderance of bicycle parking reports can be attributed to the active involvement of the City Lab Team and the import of occupancy data (1,305 parkings). The relatively high incidence of conflict reports reflects the platform's role as a repository for harassment data. Lastly, the significance of obstructions in comparison to other categories merits further investigation in future studies.

Users: when & where

In this section, we delve into the temporal and spatial characteristics of our user base. Two key figures illuminate the patterns of user engagement, followed by a brief analysis. The report concludes with a map illustrating the distribution of users across European countries.

The first figure provides a chronological perspective on user engagement. It reveals distinct phases, including a significant peak in June, a period of relative stagnation in August, and a noteworthy surge in September. The June peak corresponds to the public release of BiciZen and the series of events conducted throughout the month. The August dip may be attributed to team members' holiday breaks, while the September rebound aligns with project reactivation following the holidays.

The second figure presents a stark contrast in user distribution, with Europe accounting for a substantial majority (95%) in comparison to other continents. The accompanying map illustrates the distribution of users across European countries. Spain leads the way with the highest number of users (122), followed by Portugal (14), Finland (10), and France. Notably, the first three countries have dedicated research teams actively promoting the app within their regions.

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