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Honey-Rosés, J., P. Batista, B. Benatallah, M. Brussel, J. Flacke, J. Häkli, K. P. Kallio, L. Liebscht, T. Lynn, M. Mäkelä, L. Melo, G. Simón-i-Mas, L. Velázquez (2023) BiciZen: Una plataforma colaborativa para hacer ciudades más ciclables. Congreso Ibérico La bicicleta y la ciudad. Coslada, Spain. pgs 59-74
Active Travel, BiciZen, Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing
Honey-Rosés, J., Ortega, V., Dejaegher, S., & Corbera, E. (2023). Bicycle Parking Use Patterns, Occupancy and Rotation Rates in the Streets of Barcelona. Active Travel Studies, 3(2).
Active Travel, Barcelona, Bicycle Parking, Bicycle Infrastructure, Cycling, On-street bike parking, parking
Anguelovski, I., Honey-Rosés, J., & Marquet, O. (2023). Equity concerns in transformative planning: Barcelona’s Superblocks under scrutiny. Cities & Health, 1-9.
Transformative planning, Superblocks, equity
Honey-Rosés, J., & Zapata, O. (2023). Green spaces with fewer people improve self-reported affective experience and mood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1219.
Affective response, Field experiment, Experiment, Gender, Green street, Green space, Mood, Stress, Wellbeing, Public space
Superilles: Recerca i Experimentació
Superilles, Barcelona
Honey-Rosés, J. 2022. Urban Resilience in Perspective: Tracing the Origins and Evolution of Urban Green Spaces in Barcelona. In: Ruiz-Mallén, I., March, H., Satorras, M. (eds) Urban Resilience to the Climate Emergency. The Urban Book Series. Springer pgs 45-63.
Pandemic, wellbeing, research, teaching, inequality
Honey-Rosés, Jordi. 2022. La nova centralitat de la bicicleta en les ciutats i regions. Jornades per a la Reflexió sobre la Descarbonització de l'Economia i la Societat Catalanes.
Bicycles, Catalan, policy
Escamilla-Rivera, V., Cortina-Villar, S., Vaca, R. A., Golicher, D., Arellano-Monterrosas, J., & Honey-Rosés, J. (2022). Effects of finer scale soil survey and land-use classification on SWAT hydrological modelling accuracy in data-poor study areas. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 14(2), 100-125.
Map Scale, SWAT Model, Soil Survey, Land Use/Land Cover, Mexico
Kotsila, Panagiota, et al. "Barcelona’s greening paradox as an emerging global city and tourism destination." The Green City and Social Injustice: 21 Tales from North America and Europe (2021): 213-24.
Bicycles, Catalan, policy
Lind, A., Honey-Rosés, J., & Corbera, E. (2021). Rule compliance and desire lines in Barcelona’s cycling network. Transportation letters, 13(10), 728-737.
Bicycle, design, desire, lines, infrastructure, safety, Spain
Anguelovski, I., Cole, H. V., O'Neill, E., Baró, F., Kotsila, P., Sekulova, F., ... & Triguero-Mas, M. (2021). Gentrification pathways and their health impacts on historically marginalized residents in Europe and North America: Global qualitative evidence from 14 cities. Health & place, 72, 102698.
Gentrification and health, Greening and green gentrification, Tourism, Commercial development, Real estate projects, Marginalized residents, Pathways
Kotsila, P., Oscilowicz, E., Sekulova, F., Triguero-Mas, M., Anguelovski, I., & Honey-Rosés, J. (2021). Barcelona’s greening paradox as an emerging global city and tourism destination. The Green City and Social Injustice: 21 Tales from North America and Europe, 213-24.
The urban development pattern of the city and neighborhood, Long-term growth, Post-crisis fast recovery, Urban renewal, Tourism-driven development, Tech and design economy
Honey-Rosés, J., O. Zapata. 2021. The impacts of residential densification on the perceptions of public space: a field experiment. Journal of the American Planning Association 87(2):282-295
Crowding, Densification, Experiment, Public space, Upzoning
Oscilowicz, E., J. Honey-Rosés, I. Anguelovski, M. Triguero-Mas, H. Cole. 2020. Young families and children in gentrifying neighbourhoods: How gentrification reshapes use and perception of playgrounds and surrounding green spaces. Local Environment 25(1):765-786
Barcelona, Children, Community, Gentrification, Green space, Tourism
Lind, A., J. Honey-Rosés, E. Corbera. 2020. Rule compliance and desire lines in Barcelona’s cycling network. Transportation Letters 13(10):728-737
Experiments, Public life
Zapata, O., J. Honey-Rosés. 2022. The Behavioral Response to Increased Pedestrian and Staying Activity in Public Space: A Field Experiment. Environment & Behavior 54(1):36-57
Behavior, Field experiment, Gender, Public life study, Public space, Urban design
Honey-Rosés, J., I. Anguelovski, V.K. Chireh, C. Daher, C. Konijnendijk, J. Litt, V. Mawani, M. K. McCall, A. Orellana, E. Oscilowicz, U. Sánchez, M. Senbel, X. Tan, E. Villagomez, O. Zapata, M. Nieuwenhuijsen. 2020. The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Space: An Early Review of the Emerging Questions – Design, Perceptions and Inequities. Cities & Health
COVID-19, Design, Planning, Public space
Honey-Rosés, J., M. Canessa, S. Daitch, B. Gomes, J. Muñoz-Blanco García, A. Xavier, O. Zapata. 2020. Comparing Structured and Unstructured Facilitation Approaches in Consultation Workshops: A Field Experiment. Group Decision and Negotiation 29:949-967
Field experiement
Corbera, E. I. Anguelovski, J. Honey-Rosés, I. Ruiz-Mallen. 2020. Academia in the time of Covid-19: Towards an ethics of care. Planning Theory & Practice 21(2): 191-199.
Pandemic, Wellbeing, Research, Teaching, Inequality
Honey-Rosés, J. 2019. A Review of Field Experiments in Planning and Urban Research. Planning Practice & Research 34(5) 558-572.
Experiment, Field experiment, Evidence, Practice, Research design
Honey-Rosés, J. 2019. Measuring neighbourhood change in public space: A public life study in Poblenou, Barcelona. Seminario Internacional en Investigaciones de Urbanismo
Gender, Gentrification, Superilla, Public space


L. Chaves, A. Arenas, L. Liebscht, E. Parera, J. Honey-Rosés (2023). Pedala i reporta: aproximació a l’estat de la infraestructura ciclista a Barcelona. Un informe de participació ciudadana. Bicicleta Club de Catalunya-BACC.
Bicycle, Activism, Barcelona, Maintenance, Obstructions, BiciZen
Honey-Rosés, J.⍏, M. Ubalde-López⍏, D. G. Abiétar, G. Antentas, O. Aparicio, A. Ballbé Ortí, R. Calvo Sanchez, J. Cholbi, G. Fernández, G. Flores, A. Hurtado, B. Jurado, C. Martí, O. Palomeque, M. Sobrino, 2023. Protegim Les Escoles: Avaluació dels Entorns Pacificats del Programa Protegim Les Escoles 2021 de la Ciutat de Barcelona. ISGlobal, Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), Ajuntament de Barcelona. ⍏Lead authorship shared
School Streets, Traffic calming, Tactic Urbanism, Inclusivity, Barcelona
Honey-Rosés, J., M. Hörner, S. Ahmed, J. Cholbi Grimalt, V. Cuenca, M. Gheitasi, H. Lear, C. Pérez, G. Simón i Mas, C. Wienberg . 2022. Bouncing Back: Public Life in Post Pandemic Poblenou, Barcelona 2022. City Lab Barcelona. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Public life, direct observation, Barcelona, Poblenou, Pandemic, field experiment
Vetter, L., Honey-Rosés, J. 2022. Bike Theft Barcelona 2021. City Lab Barcelona. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Bicycle Theft, Bicycle Parking, Barcelona
Akaltin, D.I., J.H. Chen, W. Cho, C. De Haan Bosch, I. Flock, S. Grondin, I.A. Guzmán, S. King, A. Kinman, S. McCausland, E. Oscilowicz, H. Rachelson, J. Roe, J. Soler Cruz, Y.K., Yilang, J. Zhu, Z. Muxi, J. Honey-Rosés. 2019. Life in Poblenou: Observing Spaces in Transition. PLAN 545C: Barcelona Planning Studio. School of Community and Regional Planning. University of British Columbia.
Public space, direct observation, Barcelona
Anderson, R., S. Chin, N. Dara, D. Harlos, E. Johnson, S. Labahn, E. LaRocque, G. Lloyd, S. Lone, M. McBurnie, T. Nakao, C. Nesbitt, T. Oswald, L. Raphael, H. Shen, A. van der Veen, S. Zhou, E. Villagomez, J. Honey-Rosés. 2018. Life in Poblenou: Observation and Exploration. PLAN 545C: Barcelona Planning Studio. School of Community of Regional Planning. University of British Columbia. 114 pages.
Public space, direct observation, Barcelona